A. Name This organization was formed under the guidance of the dean of the Rawls College of Business and shall be known as the Rawls Staff Council (RSC). B. Purpose The purpose of the Rawls Staff Council is to serve as an advisory and advocacy leadership group to Rawls administration and to the staff it represents; and provide the functional framework for building a better Rawls. C. Responsibilities In partnership with Rawls administration, the Rawls Staff Council is responsible for the creation, promotion and implementation of intentional, sustainable and ongoing initiatives that improve the organizational culture for Rawls staff.
A. Eligibility The Rawls Staff Council shall be comprised of all staff members currently employed in the Rawls College of Business. B. Leadership Positions and Term Limits The Rawls Staff Council Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following leadership positions and shall take effect on September 1st, unless otherwise noted. 1. Past chair, Rawls Staff Council (two-year term) 2. Chair, Rawls Staff Council (two-year term) 3. Vice Chair, Rawls Staff Council (two-year term) 4. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Staff Representative (one-year term) 5. Chair, Appreciation & Recognition Committee (one-year term) 6. Chair, Climate & Communications Committee (one-year term) 7. Chair, Development & Engagement Committee (one-year term) 8. Chair, Policy & Advocacy Committee (one-year term) C. Selection of Chairs and Committee Members 1. Past Chair, Rawls Staff Council The past chair is an advisory role carried out by the most recent chair of the Rawls Staff Council. The past chair shall only cast a vote in Executive Committee voting matters that result in a tie. 2. Chair, Rawls Staff Council The chair shall serve as the chief elected officer of the Rawls Staff Council and shall preside at all meetings of the membership and Executive Committee. The chair shall be filled by the sitting vice chair, if the vice chair elects to serve as chair. Approval by a majority vote by the sitting Executive Committee is required to complete the appointment. If the vice chair declines to serve as the chair, candidate self-nominations and nominations shall be solicited and submitted no later than thirty days prior to the appointment start date. The incoming chair is not required to be a current member of a Rawls Staff Council committee to be eligible. Approval by a majority vote of the sitting Executive Committee is required to complete the appointment. 3. Vice Chair, Rawls Staff Council The vice chair shall exercise the powers and authority and perform the duties of the chair in the absence or disability of the chair. The vice chair shall be approved by the incoming Rawls Staff Council chair. Nominations and self-nominations shall be submitted to the incoming chair no later than thirty days prior to the appointment start date. The incoming vice chair is not required to be a current member of a Rawls Staff Council committee to be eligible. 4. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Staff Representative The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) staff representative shall be selected by the incoming Rawls Staff Council chair and vice chair. Nominations and self-nominations will be submitted no later than thirty days prior to the appointment start date. 5. Committee Chair Positions Committee chair positions shall be selected by the incoming Rawls Staff Council chair and vice chair. Nominations and self-nominations will be submitted no later than thirty days prior to the appointment start date. 6. Committee Members Members of each committee shall be selected by that committee’s chair for the committee they oversee, in consultation with the Rawls Staff Council chair and vice chair. Committee members will be selected within the first fifteen days of the committee chair’s appointment start date. Since committee members are selected by the committee chairs who take office on September 1st, committee members’ terms may begin no later than September 15th of the same year. D. Termination (resignation, expulsion, and delinquency) 1. Any member may resign upon written request to the Rawls Staff Council chair or vice chair. 2. Any member holding a designated position may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee for conduct unbecoming of a member. Prior to removal, the member must first be given notice of the offense and counseled by the Rawls Staff Council chair or vice chair. The member shall be given the opportunity for a meeting with the Executive Committee, prior to the removal vote. E. Voting 1. For any proceeding in which voting by the Executive Committee is called for, each member of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to cast one vote. In the event of a tie, the deciding vote shall be cast by the past chair. 2. Except where it may conflict with procedures stated within these bylaws, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rule of Order shall form the guidelines for any proceeding in which voting by the Rawls Staff Council is conducted.
Scheduling of Rawls Staff Council meetings and events shall be determined by the Executive Committee, and Rawls Staff Council members shall be notified at least seven days in advance of any such meeting or event.
A. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Staff Representative The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) staff representative is responsible for the establishment, coordination, promotion and implementation of initiatives and activities that promote DEI issues by: 1. providing Rawls staff members with a comfortable and confidential avenue to discuss personal and professional issues relating to DEI 2. advocating any staff concerns regarding DEI to upper administration 3. creating and facilitating events that Rawls staff can actively participate in to better understand how DEI issues impact Rawls College and how staff can become better advocates for DEI issues 4. serving as an active member of the Rawls College of Business DEI Committee B. Appreciation & Recognition Committee The Appreciation & Recognition Committee is responsible for the establishment, coordination, promotion and implementation of initiatives and activities that recognize and reward staff as a vital part of the Rawls community by: 1. expanding awareness of, celebrating and acknowledging individual and group Rawls staff achievements and personal and professional milestones, through various means of publication and Rawls Staff Council-hosted events 2. facilitating the Rawls Staff Council’s participation in college, university and non-university staff recognition programs 3. coordinating existing and new staff award selection processes and award distribution budgets C. Climate & Communications Committee The Climate & Communications Committee is responsible for the establishment, coordination, promotion and implementation of initiatives that address the need for communication and environmental improvements to and for Rawls staff by: 1. ensuring that Rawls Staff Council roles and responsibilities, academic and administrative policies and procedures, news, events and accolades, and personal and professional staff support resources are shared effectively via the Rawls Staff Council website. 2. providing public and private, formal and informal communication avenues for the ongoing and active solicitation of information, ideas and concerns from Rawls staff on all matters 3. disseminating Rawls Staff Council news with college and university communications and marketing forums D. Development & Engagement Committee The Development & Engagement Committee is responsible for the establishment, coordination, promotion and implementation of initiatives that improve and encourage collegiality, community and cooperation among Rawls staff by: 1. delivering a variety of ongoing professional and personal development sessions throughout each year, and providing a diverse set of topics that are of interest to staff (monthly Rawls Staff Chat meetings, lunch and learns, guest speakers, etc.) 2. addressing current and future staff advancement issues, such as career and professional development, basic skill enhancements and technical training geared toward professional growth 3. providing staff networking and engagement opportunities during and after business hours (happy hours, luncheons, community service, etc.) 4. facilitating existing and exploring future staff development program funding requests and/or opportunities E. Policy & Advocacy Committee The Policy & Advocacy Committee is responsible for the establishment, coordination, promotion and implementation of initiatives and activities that provide platforms for support and activism among Rawls staff by: 1. providing a forum where Rawls staff are guaranteed a voice in discussing questions, issues and ideas relative to policy, regulations and procedures 2. serving as an advocate by addressing and seeking resolutions for staff concerns 3. developing and maintaining Rawls student codes of conduct, Rawls faculty codes of conduct (as they relate to staff) and guides for Rawls staff support & procedures 4. identifying and recommending revisions to existing (formal and informal) Rawls policies, procedures and benefits, and developing proposals for new ones F. Executive Committee The Executive Committee is comprised of Rawls Staff Council leadership members and is responsible for the establishment, coordination, promotion and implementation of Rawls Staff Council initiatives and activities by: 1. providing direction for Rawls Staff Council committees and members 2. serving as the liaison between the Rawls Staff Council (representative of all Rawls staff members) and Rawls administration 3. transacting and maintaining records of the Rawls Staff Council’s routine business and activities, and ensuring that Rawls Staff Council operates according to the established bylaws 4. reviewing and revising Rawls Staff Council bylaws (as necessary), and developing and implementing membership and operational guidelines and policies
A. Funds All funds paid to the Rawls Staff Council shall be placed in a general Rawls Staff Council operating fop. Unused funds from the fiscal year budget may be rolled into the budget for the following fiscal year. B. Expenses Final approval for all expenditures shall be given by the Rawls Staff Council chair, or in the absence of the chair, the vice chair. All expenditures must comply with Rawls and Texas Tech procurement and purchasing guidelines. C. Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Rawls Staff Council shall close on August 31st of each year. The new fiscal year shall begin on September 1st of the same year. D. Budget As soon as possible after the beginning of a new fiscal year and the election of any/all Rawls Staff Council and committee chairs, the Executive Committee shall adopt the budget for the coming year and submit it to the Rawls College of Business dean for final approval.
A. Revisions 1. The Rawls Staff Council shall be the sole judge of its own rules and bylaws. Ratification or amendment of the bylaws shall be accomplished by the approving majority vote of the Rawls Staff Council chair, vice chair, DEI staff representative, committee chairpersons and committee members, provided that notice for the meeting includes the proposals for amendments. 2. Any proposed amendments or alterations shall be submitted to the Rawls Staff Council chair in writing at least seven days in advance of the meeting at which they are to be acted upon. Adopted: 2021-03-30